A number which is divisible by the sum of its digits has been given the name as a Harshad number.Examples are given below-
153 divisible by 1+5+3=9 giving the result 17
133 divisible by 1+3+3=7 giving the result 19.
There are 23 numbers below 100 and 26 numbers between 100 and 199
Can you locate them?
There are also multiple Harshad numbers.An example is 6804.It is called a multiple Harshad no for the reason given below-
6804 divided by the sum of its digits 18 gives the result 378.
378 divided by the sum of its digits 18 gives the result 21.
21 divided by the sum of its digits 3 gives the result 7.
As process is repeated 3 times for 6804 it is called Grade 3 Multiple Harshad number.
There is a Grade 12 Multiple Harshad number which I will reveal if anyone is interested.
153 divisible by 1+5+3=9 giving the result 17
133 divisible by 1+3+3=7 giving the result 19.
There are 23 numbers below 100 and 26 numbers between 100 and 199
Can you locate them?
There are also multiple Harshad numbers.An example is 6804.It is called a multiple Harshad no for the reason given below-
6804 divided by the sum of its digits 18 gives the result 378.
378 divided by the sum of its digits 18 gives the result 21.
21 divided by the sum of its digits 3 gives the result 7.
As process is repeated 3 times for 6804 it is called Grade 3 Multiple Harshad number.
There is a Grade 12 Multiple Harshad number which I will reveal if anyone is interested.