Thursday, 24 July 2014

Tropical fruit in an open truck-rejoinder

This refers to my earlier blog same title
As the water content out of the total weight 1000kg  earlier was 99%,the weight of the fruit content should have been 1% or10 kg.After the transit period,the water content was stated to be 98%.That means the fruit content then became 2%.As the fruit content did not suffer in weight the earlier 10kg remained intact.As this constituted 2% of the total weight,the total weight of the fruit should now be 500 kg.   

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Selection/deletion of numbers-Rejoinder

This is with reference to  my earlier blog with same title-
I had mentioned that from all numbers from unity upwards,you should delete multiples of 3 and those that contain 3.
There are 3 groups of numbers which need deletion-
(a)Multiples of 3
(b)Numbers between 30-39 excluding those under a)
(c)Other numbers like 23,43,53,73,83 etc
Let us consider numbers upto 80.
There are 26 multiples under category (a)
Under category (b)there are 6 numbers viz 31,32,34,35,37and 38.
Under category (c)we have 5 numbers viz 13,23,43,53 and 73.
Thus the remaining numbers (among those upto 80) are 80-26-6-5=43.
The 40th number is thus 76 excluding 80,79 and 77.
Considering numbers beyond 80,we have 82,85,86,88,89,91,92,94,95,97,98,100 etc,As there were 43 numbers upto 80,the total numbers upto 100 will be 55.-The 50th number is thus 92 excluding the 5 numbers 100,98,97,95 and 94.-.
Let us next consider multiples of 4 and those containing 4 out of these 55 numbers which are to be deleted.
These are- 4,8,14,16,20,28,40,41,44,46,47,49,52,56,64,68,74,76,80,88,92,94 and 100 viz a total of 23 numbers(16 multiples of 4 and 7 others containing 4-viz 14,41,46,47,49,74 and 94
The remaining numbers (among all numbers upto 100 are thus 55-23=32.
We have to go beyond 100 using these algorithms to get further numbers which would remain.